Wait I just realized the answer you game me or...JULY was kinda confusing can someone explain it a bit simpler

Q: Santa is working with his helpers. He counts 89 heads and 230 feet. How many reindeer and elves are there not including him.

reindeer (r) have 4 feet and 1 head

elves (e) have 2 feet and 1 head
So, we know that
r+e = 89
2r+4e = 230
Now just solve for r and e.

ok so do I sub numbers till it equals 230?

No, you don't just start subbing numbers. You solve the system of equations. Since r+e = 89, e = 89-r

Now use that in the other equation, and you get
2e+4r = 230
e + 2r = 115
89-r + 2r = 115
89 + r = 115
r = 26
So, e = 89-r = 89-26 = 63
Now check your answer
26 reindeer + 63 elves = 89 heads
4*26 + 2*63 = 104+126 = 230 feet

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Identity crisis?

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Of course! Let's break it down step by step to make it simpler to understand.

1. We know that Santa and his helpers are working together, so we need to find the total number of reindeer and elves.
2. We also know that Santa and his helpers have a total of 89 heads. This means that the number of reindeer and elves combined is equal to 89.
3. Now, let's consider the number of feet. Santa and his helpers have a total of 230 feet.
4. Reindeer have 4 feet each, while elves have 2 feet each. So, we can write an equation based on the given information:
Number of reindeer (R) * 4 feet + Number of elves (E) * 2 feet = 230 feet
5. Now, we can simplify the equation further:
4R + 2E = 230
6. Since we already know that the total number of heads is 89, we can write another equation based on the same information:
Number of reindeer (R) + Number of elves (E) = 89
7. Now, we have a system of two equations with two variables:
4R + 2E = 230
R + E = 89
8. We can solve this system of equations to find the values of R (reindeer) and E (elves).

Using any suitable method to solve this system of equations, we find that there are 26 reindeer and 63 elves working with Santa, not including Santa himself.

So, the answer to the question is: There are 26 reindeer and 63 elves working with Santa.