A strong electric field is

A. Directed toward a charge
B. Directed away from a charge
C. Caused by a large quantity of charge**
D. Caused by a small quantity of charge

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To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the properties of electric fields and how they are created by charges.

Electric fields are created by charges, either positive or negative. The electric field represents the force experienced by other charges placed in its vicinity. Now, let's analyze each given option:

A. Directed toward a charge: This option suggests that a strong electric field is directed toward a charge. However, electric field lines always point away from positive charges and toward negative charges. So, this option is incorrect.

B. Directed away from a charge: This option suggests that a strong electric field is directed away from a charge. As mentioned earlier, electric field lines indeed point away from positive charges and toward negative charges. Therefore, this option is correct.

C. Caused by a large quantity of charge: This option states that a strong electric field is caused by a large quantity of charge. The strength of an electric field does depend on the amount of charge present, but it is not solely determined by the quantity of charge. Therefore, this option is not completely accurate.

D. Caused by a small quantity of charge: This option suggests that a strong electric field is caused by a small quantity of charge. Similar to the previous option, the strength of an electric field does depend on the amount of charge present, but it is not solely determined by the quantity of charge. Hence, this option is also incorrect.

In conclusion, the correct answer is B. A strong electric field is directed away from a charge. This result can be obtained by understanding the direction of electric field lines, which always point away from positive charges and toward negative charges.