Brenda and Jessica are selling wrapping paper for a school fundraiser. Customers can buy rolls of plain wrapping paper and rolls of holiday wrapping paper. Brenda sold 2 rolls of plain wrapping paper and 1 roll of holiday wrapping paper for a total of $41. Jessica sold 7 rolls of plain wrapping paper and 1 roll of holiday wrapping paper for a total of $106. Write a system of equations that could be used to find the cost of the wrapping papers.

2 p + h = 41

7 p + h = 106

Let's assume that the cost of a roll of plain wrapping paper is represented by P, and the cost of a roll of holiday wrapping paper is represented by H.

We can write the following system of equations based on the given information:

Equation 1:
2P + 1H = 41

Equation 2:
7P + 1H = 106

These two equations can be used to determine the cost of the wrapping papers.

Let's define the variables:

Let's say the cost of one roll of plain wrapping paper is 'P' dollars.
Let's say the cost of one roll of holiday wrapping paper is 'H' dollars.

Now, we can create the following equations using the information given:

For Brenda:
Brenda sold 2 rolls of plain wrapping paper for a total of $41, so the equation would be:
2P + 1H = 41

For Jessica:
Jessica sold 7 rolls of plain wrapping paper for a total of $106, so the equation would be:
7P + 1H = 106

Therefore, the system of equations to find the cost of the wrapping papers is:
2P + 1H = 41
7P + 1H = 106