What did Texas do to get readmitted into the Union?

Ratified the new amendments to the constitution*****

Promised not to secede again

Built new schools

Elected Grant for president

ALL Southern states had to, yes.


So I was right?

Of course. Texas was/is a Southern state that seceded, right?

Yes, thank you for the compliment. You said, "Of course" like if I am always right lol! Thank you Writeacher, your the best!

You're welcome.

To confirm how Texas got readmitted into the Union, we can consult historical sources. The readmission of Texas into the Union was a result of the Reconstruction Era following the American Civil War. Here are the steps Texas took to be readmitted:

1. Ratified the new amendments to the Constitution: After the Civil War, the United States adopted three constitutional amendments known as the Reconstruction Amendments. Texas was required to ratify these amendments to be readmitted. The amendments consisted of the 13th Amendment (abolishing slavery), the 14th Amendment (granting equal protection under the law to all citizens), and the 15th Amendment (protecting the voting rights of African American men).

2. Promised not to secede again: As part of the readmission process, Texas had to pledge not to secede from the Union in the future. This commitment aimed to ensure that Texas would remain part of the United States.

3. Comply with Reconstruction policies: Texas had to comply with the policies and measures established during the Reconstruction Era. These included integrating new civil rights legislation, implementing racially equitable practices, and allowing African American men to participate in the political process.

The mentioned action, "Built new schools," and "Elected Grant for president" are not direct factors related to Texas's readmission. Building schools may have been part of the broader Reconstruction efforts to support education in the newly restored states, while electing Grant as president occurred during the process of readmitting Texas. However, it is important to note that the readmission of Texas was not dependent on the election of any specific president, such as Ulysses S. Grant. Ultimately, it was the fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions and meeting the requirements of the Reconstruction Era that led to Texas's readmission into the Union.