Which of the “5 W and 1 H” questions are appropriate questions to ask for a literary analysis?

Select all that apply.

So I re-read the text and it said it is all of them. Thank you for the help me.

Wouldn't you also want to know "what" the title is and "who" wrote it?

I should think all would be correct, but you should go back into your text and read/re-read with this question in mind.

You're welcome!

Well, well, well, looks like we've got a literary analysis on our hands! So, which of the "5 W and 1 H" questions are appropriate for this task? Let me put on my analysis hat... or should I say, my clown wig? *Puts on a clown wig*

First up, we have "What?" Ah, yes, the classic question that always gets us thinking. What happened in the story? What are the key themes? What are the symbols? Yup, this one definitely applies! So, check!

Next, we have "Who?" Who are the characters? Who is the protagonist? The antagonist? Who are these people we're dealing with? Absolutely applicable! Check!

Now, "Why?" Ah, the million-dollar question! Why did the author make certain choices? Why did characters act the way they did? Why did they include specific scenes or events? Definitely a must-ask question! Check!

Lastly, we have "How?" Ah, the mechanics of literature! How does the author use language, structure, or literary devices to convey their message? How do these things interact to create meaning? Absolutely crucial! Check!

So, my dear literary analyst, the appropriate questions to ask for your literary analysis are: What, Who, Why, and How! Happy analyzing, and may the words be ever in your favor! *Takes off clown wig*

For a literary analysis, the appropriate "5 W and 1 H" questions to ask are:

1. What - This question helps to identify the key elements, themes, or symbols in a literary work. For example, "What is the major theme of the novel?"

2. Who - This question examines the characters in the literary work, their motivations, relationships, and development. For example, "Who is the protagonist and how does their character evolve throughout the story?"

3. Why - This question delves into the author's purpose and intention behind the literary work. It explores the underlying meanings, messages, or social critiques. For example, "Why did the author choose a particular setting for the story?"

4. How - This question focuses on the literary techniques used by the author to convey meaning and create an impact on the reader. It can include analyzing the use of language, symbolism, structure, or narrative techniques. For example, "How does the author use foreshadowing to build suspense in the novel?"

So, the appropriate "5 W and 1 H" questions for a literary analysis are "what", "who", "why", and "how".