Which of the following could be a modern-day example of cultural diffusion into the region of Southwest Asia?

A. requiring strict adherence to Sharia

B. women pursuing careers outside the home +++

C. wearing the hijab in public

D. observing traditional religious practices


3. muslim, christian, jewish
4. c,b,e
5. oil
you're welcome for the 100%

Shanelle is right

omg thx shanelle

i got a 100 tysm

the first is C. the rest is great?!!

Yes, B.



3.??(sorry idk this once :c)
5.(idk this one either, im so sorry ;c)

the other answer's are 100% correct, im sorry but u guys will have to try and find the other ones in a book or on google :(

thx Shanelle!

TYSM! :)