Sonia draws a line between Los Angeles and San Diego on a map. Find the shortest distance between the two cities. If the scale is 1 inch = 50 miles, what is the distance in miles between the two cities. A.25, B.50, C.100, D.150?

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How long is Sonia's line?

C: 100

To find the shortest distance between Los Angeles and San Diego on the map, you can use the scale given. The scale states that 1 inch on the map represents 50 miles in reality.

So, look at the line that Sonia drew between Los Angeles and San Diego. Measure the length of this line on the map using a ruler.

Let's say the length of the line on the map is 2 inches. According to the scale, each inch on the map represents 50 miles. So, the total distance between Los Angeles and San Diego would be:

2 inches (on the map) * 50 miles/inch = 100 miles

Therefore, the correct answer is C) 100 miles.