Read the excerpt from an 1893 book describing the settlement of Australia and New Zealand.

“It is not necessary here to follow the complicated history of New Zealand in later years, which unfortunately comprises [includes] several bloody wars with the Maoris. The present prosperous condition of this great colony is well known, but it has not been effected without the rapid diminution [decrease in number] of the natives, who have met with the fate of most aborigines in contact with Europeans, especially when the former were naturally bold and warlike.”

—Notes on Captain Cook’s Journal

Which statement is best supported by the excerpt?

A. The British attempt to wipe out the Maori was successful.

B. The Maori suffered a loss of population and decline in power.

C. The British had little trouble conquering and colonizing New Zealand.

D. The Maori population gradually declined after Britain colonized New Zealand.++++

"the answers"..... What? I did what you asked, so don't look at me like that.

With Writeteachers help I'v come to the conclusion it is

The Maori suffered a loss of population and decline in power.

so what is the answer??????? :(

just say the answers


Tha a big brain checkmate move righ dere

The best-supported statement by the excerpt is B. The Maori suffered a loss of population and decline in power.

This conclusion can be drawn from the excerpt because it mentions "several bloody wars with the Maoris" and the "rapid diminution of the natives." This suggests that the Maori people experienced a decrease in population and power as a result of the conflicts with Europeans. The mention of the Maoris being "naturally bold and warlike" implies that they put up a significant fight against the Europeans. Therefore, option B is the statement that is best supported by the excerpt.

What does this phrase mean? "…the rapid diminution [decrease in number] of the natives…"

How does that apply to this question and answer choices?