(x - 5)(-.025x + 220)

Is the answer -.025x^2 + 220x - 1100


-.025x^2 + 219.875x - 1100

I keep getting the first answer but in class the teacher said the answer was the second one and I'm getting frustrated because I can't get the second one!

So to multiply this out (x-5)(-.025x +220)

X*-.025x, x*220, 5*-.025x, -5*220

-.025x^2 + 219.875x -1100

I am pretty sure the middle term should be 221.125x because you can’t decide when to/not include the negative sign before the five.

oh dear....

(x - 5)(-.025x + 220)
= -.025x^2 + 220x + .125x - 1100
= -.025x^2 + 220.125x - 1100


I'm sorry - yes, that is what I keep getting too -- I had sooooo many answers written down all over my paper and then I typed the wrong one - thank you!

To find the correct answer, let's expand the given expression step by step using the distributive property.

Given expression: (x - 5)(-.025x + 220)

1) Distribute the first term (x) in the first set of parentheses to both terms in the second set of parentheses:
(x * -.025x) + (x * 220) = -0.025x^2 + 220x

2) Distribute the second term (-5) in the first set of parentheses to both terms in the second set of parentheses:
(-5 * -.025x) + (-5 * 220) = 0.125x + (-1100)

Combining both results:
-0.025x^2 + 220x + 0.125x - 1100

Now, let's simplify the expression by combining like terms:
-0.025x^2 + 220.125x - 1100

So, the correct answer is: -0.025x^2 + 220.125x - 1100.

It seems that you got close, but missed the decimal point when multiplying -5 with -0.025x. However, the second option you mentioned (-.025x^2 + 219.875x - 1100) is not correct either since the positive coefficient of x should be 220.125, not 219.875.