Does anyone like the Beatles songs?

Just me?

To find out whether other people like the Beatles' songs, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct online research: Look up reviews, polls, and surveys on the popularity of the Beatles' songs. Websites like Rolling Stone, Billboard, and music forums often provide opinions, rankings, and discussions about the band and their music.

2. Social media platforms: Check platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit to explore fan groups or discussions dedicated to the Beatles' songs. You may find testimonials, comments, and conversations about people's preferences.

3. Streaming platforms: Visit popular music streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music and search for the Beatles' songs. Observe the number of plays, user ratings, and comments to get an idea of their popularity.

4. Talk to people: Engage in conversations with friends, family, or coworkers who are familiar with the Beatles. Ask them about their opinions on the band's songs and their popularity.

By following these steps, you can gather information from various sources and form an understanding of how many people appreciate and enjoy the Beatles' music.