Which one?

A) :)
B) =)

Which one?
A)(╯ළ.ළ)╯︵ ┻━┻

To determine which option is being referred to between A) :) and B) =), A) (╯ළ.ළ))╯︵ ┻━┻ and B) [ⴲᨓⴲ], or B) |❍.❍|, we need to consider the visual representation of each option.

For A) :), it is a traditional emoticon representing a smiling face. This can be found by typing a colon (:) followed by a closing parenthesis ()).

For B) =), it is also an emoticon, but with a slightly different representation. This can be found by typing an equals sign (=) followed by a closing parenthesis ()).

For A) (╯ළ.ළ))╯︵ ┻━┻, it is an emoticon depicting a person flipping a table in frustration. To get this emoticon, you can type the following characters in order: open parenthesis (() followed by a "╯" symbol, then the Sinhala letter "ළ" two times, closing parenthesis ()), followed by the "╯︵ ┻━┻" sequence.

For B) [ⴲᨓⴲ], it appears to be a decorative symbol consisting of two brackets surrounding unique characters. To access this symbol, you would need to use a character map or copy it from the source where you found it.

For B) |❍.❍|, it is a representation of two eyes enclosed within vertical bars, resembling a face. To create this visual, type a vertical bar (|), followed by two dot symbols (.), then another vertical bar (|).

So, to answer the question, if you are comparing the options based on their emoticon representation, A) :) and B) =) both represent simple smiling faces, while B) [ⴲᨓⴲ] and B) |❍.❍| are different symbols or decorative characters.