If you were going 28,000 km an hour how many days would it take for you to travel 386,400 km?

386,400 / 28,000 = _______ hours

Translate the hours into days.

Oh, thanks Ms. Sue!

To find out how many days it would take for you to travel 386,400 km at a speed of 28,000 km/h, we can use a simple formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

In this case, the distance is 386,400 km and the speed is 28,000 km/h. Let's substitute these values into the formula:

Time = 386,400 km / 28,000 km/h

To find the time it would take, we divide the distance by the speed:

Time = 13.8 hours

However, we want to convert this time to days. Since there are 24 hours in a day, we can divide the 13.8 hours by 24:

Time = 0.575 days

So, if you were traveling at a speed of 28,000 km/h, it would take approximately 0.575 days to travel a distance of 386,400 km.