Please check my answers thank you.

Do you believe individuals in the U.S. are getting enough “value” out of healthcare spending? Explain your answer.
Do you believe the amount of money spent on healthcare impacted the accomplishments of the system? Explain your answer.

I do not believe people in the U.S. are getting enough “value” out of healthcare spending. I feel in many ways the health system is falling us. The cost of health care in the U.S. is overpriced compared to other countries. How is it that other countries spend almost half as much on health care yet have higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality rates? I believe that there are favorable ways to improve life expectancy and can bring down the amount of diseases. Some of the cost is clear such for instance the cost of medications, procedures, and devices. are a lot of things that are not clear. Maybe if more of the money was going to direct services for the patient there could be improvement shown. When everyone does not receive the same level of care or in some cases no access to health care at all it just adds to the problem.

Can you prove every statement you make? If you can, that's good. If you can't, then you have work to do!

Can you prove this? "… yet have higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality rates?"

You made this statement, but gave no specifics to explain or prove it.
"I believe that there are favorable ways to improve life expectancy and can bring down the amount of diseases."

This part of that sentence has no subject — it has the verb, but no subject for that verb:
" … and can bring down the amount of diseases."
In addition, what do you mean by "amount of diseases"? Disease is considered a count-noun. Read about count- and non-count-nouns here:

This makes no sense: "Some of the cost is clear such for instance the cost of medications, procedures, and devices. are a lot of things that are not clear." Please, rewrite to get rid of a run-on and whatever else is needed here.

This needs clarifying: "Maybe if more of the money was going to direct services for the patient … "
Maybe <~~??
if <~~ ?? You need to explain what "more of the money" means and get rid of the wishy-washy "maybe" and "if" in this part of the paper.

There are other things, but please fix these first, and I'll read your revision.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide you with information to help you form your own opinion on these questions.

To determine whether individuals in the U.S. are getting enough "value" out of healthcare spending, you can consider several factors. One way to assess value in healthcare is to look at health outcomes such as life expectancy, infant mortality rates, and disease prevalence. You can compare these outcomes between countries that spend similar amounts on healthcare to see if the U.S. is getting comparable results. Additionally, you can analyze the cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions and treatments to evaluate whether the benefits justify the expenses.

To answer the second question about the impact of healthcare spending on the accomplishments of the system, you can examine different aspects. Consider the allocation of healthcare funds, including how much is spent on direct patient care versus administrative costs and overhead. Assess whether the money spent on healthcare is being used efficiently and effectively to improve health outcomes and provide quality care. You can also analyze the availability and accessibility of healthcare services to determine if the amount of money spent on healthcare is contributing to a well-functioning system.

In summary, to evaluate these questions, consider comparing health outcomes and costs across different countries, assessing the allocation and effectiveness of healthcare spending, and examining the overall functionality of the system.