Which of the following were new transport technologies after the Revolutionary War? Select all that apply.

A. turnpikes**
B. automobiles
C. railroads**
D. airplanes

Am I correct?

Apparently so!


Thank you !

You're welcome!

Yes, you are correct. The new transport technologies that were introduced after the Revolutionary War are A. turnpikes and C. railroads.

Turnpikes were privately owned roads that required users to pay a toll in order to travel on them. They were an important development in transportation as they provided a more efficient and well-maintained road network.

Railroads, on the other hand, were a major innovation in transportation. They facilitated the movement of goods and passengers over long distances at a much faster pace compared to traditional methods such as horse-drawn carriages. The construction of railroads greatly impacted the industrialization and development of the United States in the 19th century.

As for the choices B. automobiles and D. airplanes, they were not developed as transport technologies immediately after the Revolutionary War. Automobiles became popular in the late 19th and early 20th century, and airplanes were developed later in the 20th century.