Bill's pizza has an asset turnover of 305.The total assets of bill were $95,000. The net sales of bill's pizza is a. $271,8.50, B. $33,250.00, C. $27,142.85, D. $332.500

My answer is D.

To find the net sales of Bill's Pizza, we can use the formula for asset turnover:

Asset Turnover = Net Sales / Total Assets

Given that the asset turnover is 305, and the total assets of Bill's Pizza are $95,000, we can solve for the net sales.

Let's rearrange the formula to solve for net sales:

Net Sales = Asset Turnover x Total Assets

Substituting the given values:

Net Sales = 305 x $95,000


Net Sales = $29,075,000

Therefore, the correct answer is not D. $332,500. The correct answer is A. $29,075,000.

Note: It appears there is a typo in the answer options, as none of the provided options match the correct answer.