What is the principal part of the italicized verb in this sentence from “The Story-Teller”?

The aunt suppressed a gasp of admiration. (Note: suppressed is the italicized verb)
1. present
2. present participle
3. past
4. past participle****

No. Past participles need a helping verb.

So it would be C!! Right?

Yes, it's past tense.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

To determine the principal part of the verb "suppressed," we need to understand the verb's form in its base or root form. In this case, the base form of the verb is "suppress." The principal parts of a verb consist of its base form, present participle, past form, and past participle.

To find the principal part, we can examine the verb's various forms:

1. The base form: "suppress"
2. The present participle form: "suppressing"
3. The past form: "suppressed"
4. The past participle form: "suppressed"

In the sentence "The aunt suppressed a gasp of admiration," the verb "suppressed" is in the past form, making it the principal part of the verb. Therefore, the correct answer is (3) past.