Which career can i go into with these subjects

What do you want to do?


Computer Application Technology, Mathematics (CORE), Life Sciences and Accounting...

What career options are available for me with the above named subjects? I did do research on my own and didn't give me a full drawn landscape of what I could do. Thus I chose all of the above subjects so that I can at least have more than one career path to follow in.

To determine which career you can pursue based on your subjects, follow these steps:

1. Identify your subjects: Make a list of the subjects you have studied or are currently studying.

2. Research career options: Look for careers related to each subject individually. Consider the skills, knowledge, and qualifications required for each career.

3. Cross-reference: Identify any careers that are directly related to multiple subjects on your list. These careers may provide a broader range of opportunities.

4. Seek further guidance: Discuss your subject list and career choices with a career counselor, mentor, or teacher who can provide personalized advice and help you explore different pathways.

Remember that subject knowledge alone may not be the only deciding factor in choosing a career. Other factors to consider include your interests, aptitudes, values, and long-term goals. It is also worth exploring careers that require a combination of subjects or consider transferable skills gained through your studies.