As stated in the premable to the constitution, which of the following refers to the constitutions purpose of taking care of the concers of all states?

A: Domestic Tranquility
B: Establish Justice
C : General welfare
D: Secure Liberty

The correct answer is C: General welfare.

According to the Preamble to the United States Constitution, the phrase that refers to the Constitution's purpose of taking care of the concerns of all states is "Establish Justice." To reach this conclusion, let's break down the different options and analyze them one by one.

A: Domestic Tranquility
"Domestic Tranquility" refers to maintaining peace and order within the country, taking care of internal safety and security. While important, it does not explicitly address the concerns of all states but focuses more on the overall stability and harmony within the nation.

B: Establish Justice
This phrase in the Preamble refers to the goal of creating a fair and impartial system of laws and courts that provide equal treatment and protection for all citizens. By establishing justice, it addresses the concerns and needs of all states, ensuring that every state and its citizens are treated fairly and equally under the law.

C: General Welfare
While the concept of "General Welfare" is mentioned in the Preamble, it includes a broader objective of promoting the well-being and prosperity of all citizens, rather than specifically addressing the concerns of all states. The "General Welfare" clause serves as a guiding principle in the interpretation of the Constitution's powers but is not directly associated with taking care of the concerns of all states.

D: Secure Liberty
While the protection of individual liberties is a significant aspect of the Constitution, the phrase "Secure Liberty" in the Preamble does not specifically refer to taking care of the concerns of all states. It conveys the aim of safeguarding the freedoms and rights of the citizens as a whole.

Therefore, based on the options provided, the phrase in the Preamble that best aligns with the Constitution's purpose of taking care of the concerns of all states is "Establish Justice."

Please use Google to look up each of those 4 terms (the answer choices). Then let us know what you have learned.