
A, portes des lunettes
B, parle au téléphone
C, écoutons la musique
D, fait beau
E, jouez de la guitare

1Je B
2Tu A
3Il (il) D
4Nous C
6Vous E
Am I right?

Yes, All are right.

Let's go through each statement to check if it is correct:

1. "Je B" means "I talk on the phone." Based on the phrase "Je B," it implies that the person is talking on the phone. However, it does not mention anything about wearing glasses, so it does not represent "A, portes des lunettes." Therefore, the statement "Je B" is incorrect.

2. "Tu A" means "You wear glasses." The phrase "Tu A" corresponds to "You wear glasses" since "A" represents wearing glasses. Therefore, the statement "Tu A" is correct.

3. "Il (il) D" means "He (he) is nice." The correct translation of "Il D" is "It is nice/weather is nice." However, the statement states "He (he) is nice." Therefore, the statement "Il (il) D" is incorrect.

4. "Nous C" means "We listen to music." The phrase "Nous C" accurately represents "We listen to music." Therefore, the statement "Nous C" is correct.

5. There is no statement number 5 mentioned in your question.

6. "Vous E" means "You play the guitar." The phrase "Vous E" represents "You play the guitar" since "E" corresponds to playing the guitar. Therefore, the statement "Vous E" is correct.

Correct statements:
- Tu A (You wear glasses)
- Nous C (We listen to music)
- Vous E (You play the guitar)

Incorrect statements:
- Je B (I talk on the phone)
- Il (il) D (He (he) is nice)

To summarize, statements 2, 4, and 6 are correct, while statements 1 and 3 are incorrect.