If I drank 1.6 Liters of Kool-aid how many gallons is this.

P.S. please show me the work on how i would do this.

1.6L(1gal/3.78L) = kool aid in gallons. check the conversion factor for liters to gallons


To convert liters to gallons, you need to know the conversion factor between the two units.

1 gallon is equivalent to 3.78541 liters.

To calculate how many gallons 1.6 liters of Kool-aid is, you'll need to use this conversion factor:

1.6 liters * (1 gallon / 3.78541 liters)

First, divide 1.6 liters by the conversion factor:

1.6 liters / 3.78541 liters/gallon = 0.423776193 gallons

So, if you drank 1.6 liters of Kool-aid, it would be approximately 0.424 gallons.

To summarize the steps:
1. Determine the conversion factor from the given units (in this case, liters to gallons).
2. Set up a conversion equation: 1.6 liters * (1 gallon / 3.78541 liters).
3. Calculate the result by dividing the given amount of liters by the conversion factor.
4. Round the answer to an appropriate number of decimal places if necessary.

Please note that the answer is an approximation since the conversion factor is rounded.