Please help me

I dont get inverse operation
could you please explain how to solve. Dont solve for me just explain it please

What's the inverse of dividing? Multiplying.

What's the inverse of subtracting? Adding.

You must add first in this equation and then you must multiply. You are essentially trying to get "h" by itself. Does that make sense?


Add 8 to both sides.

27 = h/3

Multiply both sides by 3.

81 = h

Thank you!

No prob!

What property is this?

Well, you're adding and multiplying to get your value of "h", so wouldn't it be the "Additive Property of Equality" and the "Multiplicative Property of Equality"?

0.6x+ 0.8=1.4

what property is this?
Ive already solved this one but I forgot which property

You would have to use the "Subtractive Property of Equality" since you subtract in this problem and the "Division Property of Equality" since you are dividing.

Thanks again

Sure! To solve the equation 19 = h/3 - 8, you need to isolate the variable h on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by adding 8 to both sides of the equation to get rid of the -8 term:
19 + 8 = h/3 - 8 + 8
Simplify the equation:
27 = h/3

2. The variable h is still divided by 3. To get rid of this division, you can multiply both sides of the equation by 3:
27 * 3 = h/3 * 3
Simplify the equation:
81 = h

3. Now, you have isolated the variable h on one side of the equation, and the solution is h = 81.

The concept of inverse operations is used in this process. Inverse operations are operations that undo each other. In this case, the inverse operation of subtracting 8 is adding 8, and the inverse operation of dividing by 3 is multiplying by 3. By applying inverse operations, you can undo the operations performed on the variable and solve for it.