
A venus flytrap is a plant that lives in wetland ecosystems that do not have nitrogen-rich soils. To make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soil, this species captures insects and digests them into the nitrogen it needs. The ability of these plants to capture insects is an example of __________.

a) adaptation
b) competition
c) camouflage
d) mimicry


i think it is a) adaptation.

am i right?

i am pretty sure its A. Since they have to adapt to there being no soil etc

lack of nitrogen in the soil*


your welcome!!

Hello! I can help you with your question. To find the answer, let's analyze the information given. The passage tells us that the venus flytrap captures insects to obtain the nitrogen it needs. Based on this information, we can deduce that the ability of venus flytraps to capture insects is a specific characteristic that helps them survive in their environment.

Now, let's look at the options provided:

a) Adaptation: Adaptation refers to a characteristic or behavior that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment. In this case, the venus flytrap's ability to capture insects can indeed be considered an adaptation as it allows the plant to obtain the required nitrogen despite the lack of nitrogen-rich soil.

b) Competition: Competition occurs when organisms in the same or different species compete for resources such as food, water, or territory. While competition between venus flytraps and other plants for resources is possible, the given information does not provide evidence to support competition as the explanation for the plant's ability to capture insects.

c) Camouflage: Camouflage is an adaptation where an organism blends in with its surroundings, making it harder to be seen by predators or prey. Although venus flytraps have unique and distinct appearances, they do not rely on camouflage to capture insects.

d) Mimicry: Mimicry is when an organism imitates another organism or its features to gain an advantage, such as protection or attracting prey. However, the venus flytrap does not mimic other organisms or their features; it has its own distinctive and specialized trapping mechanism.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is a) adaptation, as the venus flytrap's ability to capture insects is an adaptation that helps it survive in nitrogen-poor soil by obtaining the necessary nitrogen from captured insects.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.