the room was gaudy with its______ leather couch and purple walls. A)soft B) bright pink C) black D) small ?

And you think it's?

It's probably B) Bright pink because gaudy means extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.

Just what I think. I might not be right though.

To determine the missing word that best describes the room, we can look at the context clues provided in the sentence. The room is described as "gaudy" and has a leather couch and purple walls. Gaudy typically means excessively showy or colorful, often with a lack of taste.

Based on this description, the most appropriate word to complete the sentence would be "bright pink." Option B, "bright pink," aligns with the idea of overly vibrant or ostentatious colors, fitting the definition of "gaudy."

So, the correct answer is B) bright pink.