Hey does anyone know a website or any videos I can watch to help me with this problem? Thanks so much!

At the halftime show, a marching band marched in formation. The lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (–2, –5) and moved 3 steps up and 1 step right.

a. Write a rule to describe the translation.
b. What were the coordinates of the drummer's final position?

Moving 3 steps up just means adding 3 to -5, so you'd get -2 for the y-coordinate

Moving 1 step right just means adding 1 to -2, so you'd get -1 for the x-coordinate

As for the rule, it's (x,y) --> (x+1, y+3)

And the final coordinates are (-1, -2)

Hope that helps

No problem!

(x,y) ---> (x+1, y+3)

so add 1 to your x value, and 3 to your y value

If no one knows a video I would really appreciate it if you explain!

Thank you, guys! I really do appreciate it. :D

Certainly! For problem-solving assistance, you can try watching math tutorial videos or visiting educational websites. Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org) and MathIsFun (www.mathisfun.com) are popular websites that offer instructional videos and interactive lessons.

Now, let's work on solving the problem together.

a. To describe the translation rule, let's break down the given information:

The lead drummer started at a point with coordinates (-2, -5) and moved 3 steps up and 1 step right.

The translation rule can be described as follows: Move 3 units upwards (in the positive y-direction) and 1 unit to the right (in the positive x-direction).

b. To find the final coordinates of the drummer's position, we need to apply the translation rule:

Starting coordinates: (-2, -5)

Moving 3 steps up means we increase the y-coordinate by 3 units: -5 + 3 = -2

Moving 1 step right means we increase the x-coordinate by 1 unit: -2 + 1 = -1

Therefore, the drummer's final position is at coordinates (-1, -2).

So, the answer is:
b. The coordinates of the drummer's final position are (-1, -2).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions.