The graph of f(x)=x was translated down 10 units to create the graph of g(x)

Write the equation of g(x) using function notation.

g(x) = x - 10

To write the equation of g(x) using function notation, we need to understand the translation that took place.

The function f(x) = x represents a linear function that passes through the origin (0,0), with a slope of 1.

The translation of f(x) downward by 10 units means that every y-value of f(x) is reduced by 10 units to obtain the corresponding y-value of g(x).

Therefore, the equation of g(x) can be written as follows:
g(x) = f(x) - 10

Here, g(x) represents the new function after the translation, and f(x) refers to the original function. By subtracting 10 from f(x), we achieve the desired downward translation to create g(x).