Point A having coordintes (3,-7) lies on the curve y=f(x). State the coordinates of the image of A when the graph of y=f(x) is transformed to the graph of y=f(2x-7)+1

To find the coordinates of the image of point A (3,-7) when the graph of y=f(x) is transformed to the graph of y=f(2x-7)+1, we need to apply the transformation to the original coordinates.

The given transformation involves replacing x in the function f(x) with 2x-7 and then adding 1 to the result. So, the new x-coordinate of the image of A would be 2(3) - 7 = -1.

To find the new y-coordinate, we substitute the new x-coordinate into the function f(2x-7) = f(-1) and add 1.

Therefore, the coordinates of the image of A when the graph of y=f(x) is transformed to y=f(2x-7)+1 are (-1, f(-1)+1).

To determine the specific value of f(-1), we need more information about the function f(x).