Which is not a difference between schools in Puerto Rico and schools in Los Estados Unidos?

A. Classes are conducted in Spanish.
B. Students wear uniforms.
C. There are homeschooling options.
D. Students study both Spanish and English.***

I disagree. What does your assignment say?

The correct answer is D. Students study both Spanish and English. In Puerto Rico, classes are conducted primarily in Spanish, whereas in the United States, classes are conducted in English. Both Puerto Rico and the United States have schools where students wear uniforms. Additionally, there are homeschooling options available in both Puerto Rico and the United States. Therefore, the difference lies in the language of instruction, with Puerto Rico primarily using Spanish, while English is the main language of instruction in the United States.

To determine which option is not a difference between schools in Puerto Rico and schools in Los Estados Unidos, we need to examine each option and see if it applies to both scenarios.

A. Classes are conducted in Spanish: This option could be a difference since classes in Puerto Rico are generally conducted in Spanish while classes in Los Estados Unidos are primarily in English.

B. Students wear uniforms: This option could also be a difference since wearing uniforms is more common in Puerto Rican schools compared to schools in Los Estados Unidos where uniforms are less prevalent.

C. There are homeschooling options: This option could be a difference because both Puerto Rico and Los Estados Unidos offer homeschooling options for students who choose not to attend traditional schools.

D. Students study both Spanish and English: This option appears to be the correct answer because both Puerto Rico and Los Estados Unidos place an emphasis on bilingual education, with students learning both Spanish and English in their curriculum. Therefore, this option is not a difference between schools in Puerto Rico and schools in Los Estados Unidos.