Here are the answers to this quick check. NOTE: Please DO NOT use this unless you feel you absolutely have to. It is better for you to use the resources you already have.

1. D, fiefs.
2. Life of a peasant: Lived and worked on a manor, worked the lord's land. Life of a Vassal: Served the lord in battle, received fief in exchange for services.
3. C, to teach knights to behave honourably.
4. C, lords.
5. Magyars: Conquered Hungary. Muslims: Conquered Sicily. Vikings: Invaded from Scandinavia.

I hope this helps, and for you people who will call this cheating, let me say: It is not. I am helping those who have a hard time learning the material and need to move forward in their studies. Have a good day!

Also, feel free to ask for me to do an answer key for anything in the 7th grade. I might not be able to do some of them, since I am not that far along in the year... you guys should also know something else, of course. I'll be transferring in about a month, so I'll post as much for Connexus as I can.

Keep it up, and you'll be banned.

These will be removed in 5 minutes.