Hello, I need to ask a question
How do you find cube root? But explain it plz

successive approximation

guess ... test ... adjust ... repeat

easy way: use your calculator

No cube root button? If you have an x^y button, then
cube root is the 1/3 power. So, to find the cube root of 8,
hit 8, then x^y and then (1/3)

If yopu have learned about logarithms, you can also use the fact that
log(x^n) = n*log(n)
10^(logx) = x
So, since cube root is the 1/3 power,
∛x = 10^(1/3 logx)

You can also extract roots of any order by hand. I learned how to do it when I was in the 9th grade. All I had was an example, and it took me three hours to figure it out. These days, there are online videos and examples to show how it's done. It's just an extension of long division, which is basically a guessing game where you do it one digit at a time. Good luck and have fun.

cube root of a number = the number raised to the 3rd power:

cube root of 27 = 27^(1/3) = 3. Use calculator.

Check: 3^3 = 3*3*3 = 27.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand how to find the cube root of a number.

To find the cube root of a number, you need to find a value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives you the original number. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by estimating: Begin with a rough estimate of the cube root. You can determine this by looking at the closest perfect cubes to your given number. For example, if you want to find the cube root of 27, you might recognize that 27 is close to 3^3, which is 27.

2. Use the estimation to begin the iterative process: Take the estimated value and divide the original number by it. In our example, divide 27 by 3.

3. Make adjustments: If the quotient you calculated is too high, decrease the estimated value; if it's too low, increase it. Keep repeating this process until you reach the desired accuracy.

4. Repeat until you achieve the desired accuracy: Use the adjusted estimate to create a new quotient, and continue adjusting until your answer is as accurate as needed. The more iterations you go through, the closer your estimate will be to the exact cube root.

Alternatively, if you have a scientific calculator or access to a calculator tool, you can simply input the original number and use the cube root function (often denoted as ∛). This will provide you with a precise numerical answer.

Remember that practice is key when mastering calculations, so feel free to try this method on various numbers to strengthen your understanding.