Which of the following statements is true?

Some colonists wanted independence from Britain and an end to slavery.
Some colonists wanted to stay loyal to Britain and to maintain slavery.
Some colonists wanted independence from Britain and to maintain slavery.
All answers are correct.

D. What else is new?

The Enlightenment was _____.

Which choice is it?
a period of scientific and philosophic investigation
the period in which northern states gradually abolished slavery
the period when southern African Americans got rid of the burden of slavery
the period when African Americans were no longer considered second class citizens

We already decided that the Enlightenment was underway before 1776.

The abolition of slavery in the US did not really get going until after the revolution and was not completed until after the Civil War. Even here in Massachusetts there were slaves after the revolution.

To determine which of the statements is true, we need to analyze each option individually and assess its accuracy.

Statement A suggests that there were colonists who desired both independence from Britain and the abolition of slavery. To confirm its truthfulness, we would need to study the history of the American colonies during the time of struggle for independence and examine the political and social motivations of different groups. By researching primary sources, such as letters, declarations, and political writings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the perspectives of various colonists. Comparing this information with scholarly interpretations will help us determine if this statement is true.

Statement B asserts that some colonists wished to remain loyal to Britain and maintain the institution of slavery. Similarly, investigating primary sources from the period and evaluating different historical perspectives will allow us to evaluate the accuracy of this statement. Analyzing the actions and beliefs of prominent figures and examining historical debates surrounding loyalty to Britain and the preservation of slavery will provide valuable insights.

Statement C proposes that there were colonists who wanted both independence from Britain and to continue with slavery. To assess its validity, we would once again need to scrutinize historical records and evaluate evidence supporting this claim. Considering the various factors that influenced colonial society, such as economic interests, political ideologies, and cultural factors, will help determine if this statement is true.

Statement D suggests that all answers are correct. However, this would require that all of the previous statements (A, B, and C) are true. We need to evaluate the evidence for each statement individually to establish whether this option is correct.

Therefore, the process of determining which statement is true involves researching primary sources, analyzing historical interpretations, considering multiple perspectives, and critically evaluating supporting evidence.