Mike and Beth both write the decimal 0.8 (0.88888...)as a fraction.

Mike: 45 Beth: 89

Which student wrote the correct fraction?
How do you know that student is correct?
Describe a mistake that could have been made by the student who wrote the incorrect fraction. (5 points)

What would i say for question C?

To determine which student wrote the correct fraction for the decimal 0.8 (0.88888...), we can compare the fractions written by Mike and Beth, and check if either of them is correct.

Mike wrote the fraction 45. To check if this fraction is correct, we need to convert it back to decimal form and see if it matches 0.8 (0.88888...). To do this, we divide the numerator (45) by the denominator (1) to get 45/1, which simplifies to 45. So, the decimal form of Mike's fraction is 45. This does not match 0.8 (0.88888...), so Mike's fraction is incorrect.

Beth wrote the fraction 89. We follow the same process to check if this fraction is correct. Dividing the numerator (89) by the denominator (1) gives us 89/1, which simplifies to 89. The decimal form of Beth's fraction is 89. This also does not match 0.8 (0.88888...), so Beth's fraction is also incorrect.

Therefore, neither Mike nor Beth wrote the correct fraction for the given decimal.

A mistake that could have been made by the student who wrote the incorrect fraction is not recognizing the repeating pattern in the decimal 0.8 (0.88888...). The correct fraction for this decimal should have a repeating pattern of 8s. Mike and Beth did not acknowledge the repeating pattern, which led to their incorrect fractions. To write the correct fraction, one would need to notice the repeating pattern and represent it correctly in the fraction form.

The decimal .8 as a fraction is 4/5

the decimal .8888... (showing the 8 repeats) is 8/9

They were two different questions, thus two different answers