Which one is NOT an example of a model that can be by teachers and students

A) Plastic human skeleton figure
B) Small Globe with oceans and continents labeled
C) Solar system made out of fruits **
D) A large pine cone
Is this correct?

If you'll accept help from a woman -- I agree with your answer.

Of course! And thank you.

Thanks bros i could rlly use the help

You're welcome. :-)

To identify the option that is not an example of a model that can be used by teachers and students, let's review each option:

A) Plastic human skeleton figure: This is a common model used in anatomy classes to teach about human bones and their arrangement. It can be easily handled and studied.

B) Small globe with oceans and continents labeled: This is a model used in geography classes to represent the Earth's shape, oceans, and continents. It helps students visualize the planet and its various features.

C) Solar system made out of fruits: This could be a creative and interactive model representing the solar system. By using fruits to simulate the planets, it can help students understand the relative size and position of the planets in our solar system.

D) A large pine cone: While a large pine cone may be interesting in terms of nature and plant biology, it is not necessarily an example of a model commonly used in educational settings. It may not provide specific information related to a subject being taught.

Based on this analysis, option C is the correct answer choice, as it presents a model that is not commonly used by teachers and students compared to the other options.