Scientists wondered how volcanoes could be located so far from tectonic plate boundaries until one proposed the idea of( plates, mid ocean ridges, hotspots, transform faults) , where the magma is much hotter than the surrounding magma. These are(submerged, fixed, undetectable, rotating) and do not move with tectonic plates. They are responsible for the creation of(oceanic, convecting, volcanic, floating,) island

hello please help me the answers I can choose from are in parentheses() and I can not solve this thank you.

You should research how the Hawaiian Islands have been formed. Use and let us know what you learn.

Can I just get the answers please this is urgent and I can’t figure these out

Scientists wondered how volcanoes could be located so far from tectonic plate boundaries until one proposed the idea of (hotspots), where the magma is much hotter than the surrounding magma. These are (fixed) and do not move with tectonic plates. They are responsible for the creation of (volcanic) islands.

Sure! Based on the given information, the correct answers are:

1. Scientists wondered how volcanoes could be located so far from tectonic plate boundaries until one proposed the idea of "hotspots", where the magma is much hotter than the surrounding magma.
2. Hotspots are "fixed" and do not move with tectonic plates.
3. Hotspots are responsible for the creation of "island" volcanoes.

So the correct answers are:
1. Hotspots
2. Fixed
3. Island

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.