What is four hundred eighty one thousand three hundred seventy eight and five hundredths in standard form

Since one hundred thousand is 100,000 and one-hundredth is 0.01

you know that it will have the form
so fill in the missing digits given the information above
If a place is not given, its value is zero

The number "four hundred eighty one thousand three hundred seventy eight and five hundredths" written in standard form is 481,378.05.

To express the number "four hundred eighty one thousand three hundred seventy eight and five hundredths" in standard form, we need to express each part of the number separately and then add them together.

First, let's express "four hundred eighty one thousand three hundred seventy eight" in standard form.

- The digit in the thousands place is 4.
- The digit in the hundreds place is 8.
- The digit in the tens place is 1.
- The digit in the ones place is 3.
- The digit in the tenths place is 7.
- The digit in the hundredths place is 8.

Putting all these digits together, we get the number "481,378."

Now, let's add the decimal part: "five hundredths."

The digit in the hundredths place is 5.

To express this decimal part in standard form, we must divide it by 100. So, 5/100 = 0.05.

Finally, we combine the whole number part and the decimal part.

481,378 (whole number part) + 0.05 (decimal part) = 481,378.05

Therefore, "four hundred eighty one thousand three hundred seventy eight and five hundredths" in standard form is 481,378.05.