Which of the following features of the online textbook will allow you to receive extra instruction on a topic?

To determine which features of an online textbook allow users to receive extra instruction on a topic, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the online textbook and navigate to the table of contents or index page. These sections typically provide an overview of the topics covered in the textbook.
2. Look for features like "Additional Resources," "Supplementary Materials," or "Extra Instruction." These sections often contain additional content that goes beyond the basic explanations provided in the main text.
3. If the textbook has a search function, use it to search for keywords related to the topic you need extra instruction on. This can help you locate specific sections or supplementary materials dedicated to that topic.
4. Check if the online textbook offers multimedia resources, such as videos, interactive simulations, or audio recordings. These resources can often provide a more engaging and detailed explanation of a particular topic.
5. Many online textbooks also offer discussion forums or online community platforms where users can ask questions, interact with other learners, and receive additional guidance or explanations from peers or instructors. Look for these interactive features to access extra instruction and support.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the features of an online textbook that provide extra instruction on a specific topic.