In order to understand the __________________ of an informational text, we might ask of it questions like:

Why was this text written?
What effect does it aim to have on it readers?
main idea

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In order to understand the purpose and goal of an informational text, we can ask questions like "Why was this text written?" and "What effect does it aim to have on its readers?" The purpose and goal of a text are often closely related to its main idea or central theme. The main idea refers to the central concept or message that the text is trying to convey. It can usually be identified by determining the most important information or argument presented in the text.

Exposition, on the other hand, refers to the part of a text that introduces the background information, context, or setting. While it can provide valuable context for understanding the main idea, it is not the same as the main idea itself.

Similarly, explanation refers to the act of providing clarification or details about a concept or topic. It may be part of the overall text, but it is not directly synonymous with the main idea or the purpose of the text.

Application refers to the act of using or applying the information presented in the text in a practical or real-world context. While understanding the purpose and goal of a text can be useful for applying its information, application refers more to the practical use of that information rather than the analysis of the text itself.

In this case, the option that best fits the question is "a. main idea" because understanding the purpose and effect of a text can be achieved by identifying its main idea.