Early West African kingdoms grew wealthy by exporting what resource?

Yes, gold

I believe it's gold

I too believe it was gold and/or salt

gold?! All the wandering villagers I find in minecraft want to trade emralds.

@bannana lol

Early West African kingdoms grew wealthy by exporting various resources, but the most significant resource they exported was gold.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct initial research: Begin by researching West African kingdoms to understand their historical significance, economic activities, and major resources.

2. Identify key West African kingdoms: Look for major West African kingdoms that were prominent during the early periods, such as the Ghana Empire, Mali Empire, and Songhai Empire.

3. Analyze economic activities: Focus on the economic activities of these kingdoms. Look for information on what resources were abundant in the region and how they were utilized.

4. Consider trade routes: Explore the trade routes that connected West Africa with other parts of the world. Identify the trade goods that were exchanged.

5. Evaluate primary sources: Look for primary sources, such as historical texts or accounts, which may provide insights into the wealth and resources of the West African kingdoms. These sources can provide valuable firsthand information.

6. Reach a conclusion: Based on the information gathered, analyze and evaluate the resources that were most commonly exported by early West African kingdoms. In this case, gold is the primary resource that comes up repeatedly in historical accounts and documentation.

By following these steps, you can obtain an informed answer and gain a deeper understanding of the topic.

It's gold.