The_____________ Agricultural Revolution began when nomadic hunters started farming during the Neolithic era.

The answer to your question is "Neolithic". The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution refers to the period when humans transitioned from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities. This revolution marked a significant milestone in human history as it led to the development of agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals.

To arrive at this answer, one can approach it by following these steps:

1. Understand the context: Familiarize yourself with the term "Agricultural Revolution" and its relationship with the Neolithic era.

2. Define the key elements: Identify the essential components of the question, such as "nomadic hunters" and "farming" during the Neolithic era.

3. Combine your knowledge: Recall that the Neolithic era, also known as the New Stone Age, was a period of human history characterized by key advancements such as the development of agriculture and settled communities.

4. Connect the dots: Recognize that the Neolithic era, with its shift from nomadic hunting and gathering to farming, aligns with the concept of the Agricultural Revolution.

Therefore, the answer is "Neolithic."

What is your answer?