an object of volume 4cm cube is totally immersed in a liquid of density 1030kg/ms calculate the upthrust of liquid in the object

the upthrust = weight of water displace= volume*density* 9.8N/kg

= 4cm^3*1030kg/m^3*9.8N/kg*(1m^3/10^6cm^3)= 0.04N

To calculate the upthrust of the liquid in the object, we need to use Archimedes' principle, which states that the upthrust or buoyant force exerted on an object immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Here's how you can calculate the upthrust:

Step 1: Find the mass of the liquid displaced
- The volume of the object is given as 4 cm³.
- Convert the volume to m³: 4 cm³ = 4 × 10^(-6) m³.
- Since the density of the liquid is given as 1030 kg/m³, multiply the volume by the density to find the mass of the displaced liquid: mass = volume × density = 4 × 10^(-6) m³ × 1030 kg/m³.

Step 2: Convert the mass to weight
- Use the formula weight = mass × gravitational acceleration.
- The gravitational acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s².
- Calculate the weight of the displaced liquid: weight = mass × gravitational acceleration.

The resulting value will be the upthrust or buoyant force exerted by the liquid on the object.