Before colliding the momentum Of Block A is +450 kg • m/s and Block B is -150 kg • m/s After Block A has a momentum +100 kg•m/s What is the momentum of Block B afterwards?

Please help quickly

total momentum in the system is constant

momentum gained/lost by one object is lost/gained by the other object

Momentum before = Momentum after,

M1*V1 + M2*V2 = M1*V3 + M2*V4,
450 - 150 = 100 + M2^V4,
M2*V4 = 200 kg*m/s = Momentum of Block #2(Blk. B).

To find the momentum of Block B after the collision, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum.

The principle of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, provided that no external forces are acting on the system. In other words, the initial momentum of the system is equal to the final momentum of the system.

Given that the momentum of Block A before the collision is +450 kg•m/s and the momentum of Block B is -150 kg•m/s, we can set up the equation:

Initial momentum of the system = Final momentum of the system

(+450 kg•m/s) + (-150 kg•m/s) = (+100 kg•m/s) + momentum of Block B

Simplifying the equation, we get:

+300 kg•m/s = +100 kg•m/s + momentum of Block B

To solve for the momentum of Block B, we can subtract +100 kg•m/s from both sides of the equation:

momentum of Block B = +300 kg•m/s - +100 kg•m/s

momentum of Block B = +200 kg•m/s

Therefore, the momentum of Block B after the collision is +200 kg•m/s.