Write the place name for the 4 in each number 3,470,981

Its four million

To determine the place name for the 4 in the number 3,470,981, we need to understand the concept of place value. Place value refers to the value of a digit based on its position within a number. In a whole number, such as 3,470,981, the position of each digit determines its value.

Let's break down the number 3,470,981:
- The digit 4 is in the thousands place. This means that its value is 4,000.
- The digit 7 is in the hundred thousands place. Its value is 700,000.
- The digit 0 is in the ten millions place. Since it has no value, it can be disregarded.
- The digit 9 is in the millions place. Its value is 9,000,000.
- The digit 8 is in the hundred thousands place. Its value is 80,000.
- The digit 1 is in the ones place. Its value is 1.

Therefore, the place name for the 4 in the number 3,470,981 is the thousands place.
