Scientific evidence indicates that erectus were the first hominids to leave Africa. Which of the following would make this conclusion incorrect?

a) DNA analysis showing erectus and modern humans did not have a common evolutionary ancestor
b) An archaeological dig finding fossil remains of Australopithecus Africanus in Europe and Asia
c) Finding tools used by erectus in continents other than Africa
d) A discovery of fossils of erectusshowing that they walked upright

i really need help with this, i'm so confused :(

There are two of those choices that refer to Africa and other continents. Cross out the others, go back and read your text, and decide between those two.

To determine which of the answer choices would make the conclusion incorrect, let's evaluate each option:

a) DNA analysis showing erectus and modern humans did not have a common evolutionary ancestor: This option does not directly challenge the conclusion that erectus were the first hominids to leave Africa. It may suggest a separate issue regarding the relationship between erectus and modern humans, but it doesn't contradict the evidence of erectus leaving Africa.

b) An archaeological dig finding fossil remains of Australopithecus Africanus in Europe and Asia: This option challenges the conclusion by suggesting that Australopithecus Africanus, an earlier hominid species, had already migrated to Europe and Asia before erectus. If true, it would contradict the idea that erectus were the first hominids to leave Africa.

c) Finding tools used by erectus in continents other than Africa: This option supports the conclusion as it provides evidence that erectus migrated and settled in continents other than Africa. This finding would be consistent with the idea that they were the first hominids to leave Africa.

d) A discovery of fossils of erectus showing that they walked upright: This option is irrelevant to the question as it does not challenge the conclusion that erectus left Africa. Whether or not they walked upright does not affect their ability to migrate.

Based on the analysis, the answer choice that would make the conclusion incorrect is b) An archaeological dig finding fossil remains of Australopithecus Africanus in Europe and Asia.