On earth objects we 6 times what they were on the moon a robot weighs £96 on earth what is it way on the moon

On earth objects weigh 6 times what they weigh on the moon. A robot weighs 96 lbs. on earth. What does it weigh on the moon ?

(1/6) * 96 = 96/6 = 16 pounds

To determine the weight of an object on the moon, we need to know its weight on Earth and apply the given ratio.

Given that objects on Earth weigh 6 times what they do on the moon, we can set up a proportion to find the weight of the robot on the moon:

Weight on Earth / Weight on the Moon = Ratio of weights on Earth to the Moon

Let's solve the proportion using the given information:

Weight on Earth = £96
Weight on the Moon = ?

Ratio of weights on Earth to the Moon = 6

Weight on Earth / Weight on the Moon = 6

£96 / Weight on the Moon = 6

To solve for the weight on the Moon, we can cross multiply:

Weight on the Moon = £96 / 6

Weight on the Moon = £16

Therefore, the weight of the robot on the moon is £16.