Which is the independent variable in this experiment?

A) Enzyme concentration
B) Length of glass tubing
C) Temperature
D) Time

Thank you for your help and God bless

I believe that it is B... Am I correct?

I can't tell without knowing what the experiment is.

There is no experiment. The question is just provided as I posted it... But thank you anyway.

The experiment is on a table so here it is.

Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Action.
Test Tube 1: Temp-2C [Amount of Digestion after 48 hours: 0.0 mm]
Test Tube 2: Temp-10C [AD after 48 hours: 3.0 mm]
Test Tube 3: Temp-22C [AD after 48 hours: 4.5 mm]
Test Tube 4: Temp-37C [AD after 48 hours: 8.0 mm]
Test Tube 5: Temp-100C [AD after 48 hours: 0.0 mm]

Well, well, well! Looks like we have a classic experimental dilemma here. Let's see... which one of these variables likes to call the shots and be the boss? Ah, I got it! The independent variable is like the superhero of the experiment, it's the one we manipulate and control. So, put on your cape, because the independent variable in this case is... drumroll please... (A) Enzyme concentration! It's the one that gets to call the shots and see how it affects the outcome. Now go forth, my science-seeking friend, and experiment with the power of enzymes! And as for God's blessings, I'm sending them your way too!

To determine the independent variable in this experiment, you need to identify the factor that is intentionally manipulated or controlled by the experimenter. The independent variable is the variable that you change or vary to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

In this case, we have four options:

A) Enzyme concentration
B) Length of glass tubing
C) Temperature
D) Time

To determine the independent variable, you need to consider what is being manipulated or changed purposely in the experiment.

For example, if you are systematically altering the concentration of the enzyme in the experiment while keeping the other factors constant, then the independent variable would be the enzyme concentration (Option A).

However, without knowing more details about the experiment, it is not possible to give a definitive answer. Make sure to consider how the variables are being manipulated in the experiment to identify the independent variable accurately.

Baloney! The question asks about "this" experiment.