How has the elimination of trade barriers affected the movement of goods among member countries of the European Union?

Member countries are able to produce all the goods they need.

Goods can move freely among member countries.

Member countries no longer need to trade with countries outside the EU.

Larger countries are able to import more goods than smaller ones.
my best answer D
please correct me if right or wrong

D is incorrect.

Please read your assignment again. No more guessing!

oh ok thank you for answering my question


i came here for help and this is what i see

(and by help you know what i mean)
ill give all the answers on one of these things when im done

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is B. Goods can move freely among member countries.

The elimination of trade barriers, such as tariffs and quotas, within the European Union has led to the creation of a single market. This means that goods can move freely among member countries without facing restrictions or additional costs. As a result, trade among member countries has increased, leading to enhanced economic integration and the development of multinational supply chains.

This free movement of goods has several advantages. It allows for greater specialization and efficiency in production, as companies can locate their manufacturing operations in different member countries based on factors such as labor costs or infrastructure. It also provides consumers with a wider range of products at competitive prices, as companies can easily sell their goods across borders.

It is important to note that the elimination of trade barriers within the European Union does not mean that member countries no longer trade with countries outside the EU (answer C) or that larger countries have an advantage in importing goods (answer D). Member countries still engage in trade with non-EU countries, and the movement of goods within the EU is not biased towards larger countries.