"America's abundance was created ... by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes... They gave the people better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scieving foward scientific discovery or technological advance - and thus the whole country was moving foward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way" - Ayn Rand

Based ont he previous quote, whoch policy would Ayn Rand most likely support?

A) A policy that limits competion competion and allows excited buisness to enjoy greater profit

B) A policy that redistrubutes the wealth of entrepeneaurs to other citizens

C) A policy that supports enterprenurs by building incentives to creat jobs

D) A policy that creates new goverment jobs wiht higher wages

And your answer is?

sorry never saw the message

also past Lady Bug is stupid they put a civics question as ela

Based on the quote provided, Ayn Rand would most likely support option C) A policy that supports entrepreneurs by building incentives to create jobs.

In the quote, Ayn Rand emphasizes the importance of free individuals pursuing their own personal interests and making their own private fortunes. She believes that this productive pursuit of self-interest leads to the creation of abundance in America. She mentions that through the invention of new machines and scientific discoveries, entrepreneurs were able to provide better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods, which benefited the whole country.

Therefore, it can be inferred that Ayn Rand would support a policy that encourages and incentivizes entrepreneurs to create jobs. This aligns with her belief in the productive genius of free individuals pursuing their own interests and making private fortunes.