Is "freedom rot in hell" a hyperbole?

Its from the lyric, "Won't let my freedom rot in hell" by Beyonce.
I thinks it is a hyperbole because the phrase is being exaggerated but I know its not personification because its not been given a human character. Can someone please help me? Please and thank you

A metaphor is the comparison of two unlike objects. No specific words are used (not like or as). On second thought, personification looks likely. We think of people rotting in hell. This gives freedom a human characteristic.

It could be that too. But isn't a metaphor in placed when two unlike objects is being compared with the words was and is??

Yes, "Won't let my freedom rot in hell" from the Beyonce song is an example of hyperbole. Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect. In this case, Beyonce is using the phrase "freedom rot in hell" to express the idea that she will not allow her freedom to be lost or destroyed under any circumstances, emphasizing the importance and value she places on her freedom.

To determine whether a statement is a hyperbole, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the statement: "Won't let my freedom rot in hell."
2. Analyze the meaning: In this case, the statement is expressing the strong commitment to protect and preserve freedom, going as far as to say that not even hell will be able to corrupt it.
3. Examine for exaggeration: Hyperbole involves intentional exaggeration beyond what is technically true. In this case, the phrase "rot in hell" is an extreme and exaggerated description of the fate of her freedom, making it a hyperbole.

In conclusion, "freedom rot in hell" is a hyperbole because it uses exaggeration to convey a strong and impactful message about the importance of protecting one's freedom.

How about a metaphor?