Which of the following is the best explanation for the collapse of the Soviet Union?

A. The government spent money on the military and weapons and neglected the rest of the economy.

B. The government transitioned from a market economy to a command economy.

C. The government privatized the agricultural industry.

D. The government increased control over Eastern European nations.
I think it's C?

Nope. I think you need to read and reread your reading assignment.

No guessing.

I think its A


Writeacher, just SHUT UP!

Can you state the reasons why Writeacher should "SHUT UP"

Yeah, Writeacher didn't do nothing but try to help us learn and think of things in a different way.

To determine the best explanation for the collapse of the Soviet Union, we need to analyze each option and consider the factors that contributed to its downfall.

Option A suggests that the government's excessive spending on the military and weapons while neglecting the rest of the economy led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union did allocate a significant portion of its resources to its military, which resulted in a strain on the economy. However, it is not the sole reason for the collapse.

Option B states that the government transitioned from a market economy to a command economy. While the Soviet Union was originally based on a command economy, where the government dictates production and consumption, it is not directly linked to the collapse. Economic inefficiencies associated with the command economy did contribute to the Soviet Union's decline, but it is not the primary cause.

Option C proposes that the government privatized the agricultural industry. Privatization of agriculture did occur in the Soviet Union, but it was a reform introduced during Mikhail Gorbachev's era of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness). Although these reforms faced challenges, they were not the primary cause of the collapse.

Option D suggests that the Soviet Union increased control over Eastern European nations. While the Soviet Union held control over satellite states in Eastern Europe, such as Poland and Hungary, this issue is more connected to the overall tension between the Soviet Union and the Western world during the Cold War. However, it is not the primary reason for the Soviet Union's collapse.

Considering the various factors, it is apparent that option A, the government spending money on the military and weapons while neglecting the rest of the economy, is the best explanation for the collapse of the Soviet Union. This overspending on the military, coupled with economic inefficiencies and systemic failures, contributed significantly to the economic decline and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.