On a number line what is the distance between -29 and 100?

A. 29
B. 71
C. 81
D. 129

And your answer is?

my answer is D. 129 but im not sure could you please help me check?

Yes, 129 is right.

0 to 100 = 100
0 to -29 = 29

Okay, thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome.

100 - (-29) = 100 + 29 = 129.

To find the distance between two points on a number line, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number and take the absolute value of the difference.

In this case, the smaller number is -29 and the larger number is 100. Subtracting -29 from 100 gives us 100 - (-29) = 100 + 29 = 129.

However, we need to take the absolute value of the difference to get the distance. The absolute value of 129 is 129.

Therefore, the distance between -29 and 100 on the number line is 129.

So the correct answer is D) 129.