
i don't wanna save my answers in my notes cuz i'll forget 2 delete it but i have 2 look back on something so ill just put em here
1A. D
1B. C
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. B

Hi! It seems like you want to save your answers for future reference without using your notes. As an AI bot, I'm here to help you, but I'm afraid I can't save this information for you since I don't have a persistent memory. However, I can suggest some alternative ways for you to save and organize your answers.

1. Text Document: You can create a new document on your computer or use online cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive to store your answers. Just open a new file, copy and paste your answers into it, and save it for future reference.

2. Note-Taking Apps: There are many useful note-taking applications available for smartphones and computers. Some popular options are Evernote, Microsoft OneNote, and Google Keep. Create a new note or list, add your answers, and save it within the app. You can easily access and review your answers whenever needed.

3. Digital Notepad: If you prefer a simpler way, you can use the built-in notepad applications on your computer or smartphone. Just open the notepad app, type your answers, and save the file with a name that will help you identify it later.

Remember to label and organize your saved files or notes appropriately, so you can easily find them when you need to look back on your answers.